
EU cross compliance programme

Agricultural policy regulations from the EU that link the payment of premiums to compliance with defined environmental standards.


The term least developed countries defined by the United Nations refers to a group of 48 countries with a particularly low socio-economic standard.


The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform is an initiative by the food and beverage industry set up in 2002 by Nestlé, Unilever and Danone which, as a platform of information, has tasked itself with supporting the development and implementation of sustainable agricultural practices around the world by presenting examples of best practice and providing support by offering a variety of different tools.


The Sustainable Agriculture Initiative Platform‘s (SAI) most relevant tool is the Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA). This assessment is carried out using a 112-point questionnaire covering all features relevant to sustainability, such as farm management, working conditions, (incl. questions on child and forced labour), soil and nutrient management and crop protection. Depending on the fulfilment of the various criteria, each farm receives a sustainability rating designated by a status of „gold“, „silver“, bronze“, or „not yet bronze“.


SEDEX, Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, is an NGO that aims at improving social standards in the value chain. AGRANA is a member of SEDEX since 2009. AGRANA production sites perform an annual SEDEX self-assessment, which focuses primarily on working conditions, workplace safety and human rights (incl. questions on child labour and forced labour). Those self-assessments are verified through so-called SEDEX Member Ethical Trade Audits (SMETA) performed by independent third parties and valid for three years.